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3 Questions

  1. What needs to change?
  2. What needs to change?
  3. Who do you need to hire?

Digging Deeper

  • Think about what you are doing.
  • What will it take to get to x dollars? → examine the habits that will lead you there
  • Sometimes change means getting rid of the story you have about your business, your client, your relationship with money etc.
  • Sometimes you need to let go of control and trust someone else to do things for you.
  • It’s more than “having a job”, you are running a company — something very brave!
  • Make sure you get meaningful help.
    • Delegation means lifting somebody else in their professional development, giving them more responsibility.
    • Don’t rush hiring, hiring the wrong person can sink a company.
    • Make sure your employees are properly managed (and coached).

MAP it out…

  • Mindset
  • Approach
  • Profit

Letting Go

  • Let go of how things “should be” — stop should-ing on yourself!
  • Shift your identity to focus on your clients.
  • Who has the responsibility?
    • How much is on your plate and how much on somebody else?
    • Make sure cross-collaboration is happening.
  • What is your relationship to time?
    • Make sure to have 6-8 hours of sleep and spend quality time with family.
    • How are your team members (who represent your business) spending their time?
  • What is your relationship to money?
    • Some delegation is okay but it is important to know the numbers, especially money coming in.
    • When are you increasing your fees? Make sure to keep up with inflation.
    • Which clients are not profitable? What things are profitable?
    • Which expenses can you shift or get rid of?

Ask Yourself: What do YOU need to let go of?

Think deeply about this question.

Even a small tweak can make a big difference in your business.

Questions & Comments

  • How do you decide how much to charge?
    • It depends on how long you have been in business and how much value you can bring.
    • Instead of charging for the hour, charge for a package program (e.g. 6 months to a year) to make sure you can deliver value long-term.
    • What is your level of self-worth? Do the inner work that will increase your sense of self-worth and charge more.
    • What if it is easy? Let go of any stories you have about why it is hard to sell your product for a particular price.
  • Learn the art of storytelling to demonstrate why what you are selling is valuable.
  • Let go of being perfectionist and seeing yourself as a perfectionist (another story you tell yourself!).
  • Some beliefs are a self-fulfilling prophesy. How do you break the cycle? Example of being a “control freak”.
    • What is the belief (system) you have?
    • What is underneath your belief?
    • What if it is easy to find employees that care, i.e. that I don’t need to follow up with as much.
    • Coach instead of telling. Instead of “do this”, ask “how” questions. Get your employees thinking about the task.
  • Get clear on the real issue and focus on the solution.
