We invite you to actively participate in the Practical Liberty Un-Conference by sharing your ideas, leading discussions, and connecting with fellow attendees.

Note: This is an unofficial website created by participants for participants. The event organizers might or might not use the information provided here, but we as participants will share it amongst ourselves.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Submit Your Networking Information

Help us build a strong community by providing your details for our networking spreadsheet. This will facilitate connections and collaborations during and after the event.

How to Submit:

  • Fill out the Networking Submission Form with your details, including:
    • Name
    • Short Introduction
    • Location
    • Contact Details
    • What You’re Seeking
    • What You’re Offering

See also: Best Way to Network at the Practical Liberty Unconference

Submit Your Contributions

Share your ideas and lead discussions by submitting your contributions. This will help you gauge interest for your talks and make better decisions about the topics to present.

How to Submit:

  • Fill out the Contributions Submission Form with the with the following details:
    • Title/Topic
    • Short Description (What? Motivation/Goals?)
    • Amount of Time Needed
    • Ideal Number of Participants

See also: How to Submit Contributions for the Unconference

Signal Interest In Other’s Contributions

To signal interest in other people’s contributions at the Practical Liberty Unconference, please visit the spreadsheet where all contributions are listed in rows. Each activity has a row with details like the title, description, and duration.

Find the column with your name—if it’s missing, you need to submit the networking form first. To show interest in an activity, simply place an “x” in the row of that activity under your name.

As you can see, Bob is interested in Procrastination Hacks but no one else is. Jane is the only one who wants to read through T&C but everyone wants to learn the Art of Conference Snacking!

As you can see, Bob is interested in Procrastination Hacks but no one else is. Jane is the only one who wants to read through T&C but everyone wants to learn the Art of Conference Snacking!

This process helps presenters gauge interest and decide whether to proceed with their sessions.

See also: Shape the Agenda: Mark Your Interests

View Submissions

To protect your information, form submissions fill a Google spreadsheet that requires sign-in. Please sign in to the Tom Woods School of Life forum or chat and view the submissions using this link or this link, respectively.

Join the Live Chat

Make sure to join the #InPersonEvent channel on Rocket.Chat where all the action is happening.

For installation instructions, please see this link.

See also: Join the Live Chat on Rocket.Chat

Collaborate on Session Pages

Each session will have a dedicated page where attendees and presenters can collaborate before, during, and after the event.

Use these pages to:

  • Add notes and key takeaways
  • Share presentation slides and other resources
  • Continue discussions and stay connected with fellow participants

How to Access Session Pages:

  • Contact Mark about your session page, and he will provide you with access details.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance, please visit the Contact page. I’m here to help!