Mark Rösler’s notes

(Thank you, Mark!)

  • There are many productivity systems.
  • However, most are not stable, not sustainable.
  • time, resources, scope: You can’t constrain all three.
    • E.g. scope is the output of the first two.
  • psychological readiness: How much energy and focus you have at a particular time.
    • You can’t just “command” things to happen.
    • “You’re not just a robot.”
    • Do I have the energy to do this now? Sometimes the answer is no. Doing something that doesn’t seem as important can build momentum.
    • Slippery slope between trying to build moment with other tasks and procrastination.

Questions & Comments

  • What if my health/energy fluctuates a lot?
    • Be more flexible and define success appropriately.
  • Deadlines can be helpful but also stressful.

The Now List

  • “now list”: a short term list of things to do right now
  • productivity system depends on personality / life stage
    • ABC: Checking off tasks one by one.
    • non-linear
      - we’re not robots, some people feel constricted by a linear approach
      - make a now list of handful of things that need to be done right now
  • atomic habits: make it a goal just to put on your jogging shoes in order to get into the habit of jogging

Time Blocking Tasks on the Calendar

  • idea: time block tasks so they get done
  • however, it doesn’t work for everyone
  • tasks get “shoved down your throat”, like a conveyer belt of tasks
  • often requires reshuffling tasks
  • example: writing a book and mowing the lawn — you don’t want to put off mowing the lawn until the book is written
    • split big tasks into smaller chunks (e.g. finishing a chapter)

Productive Bursts

  • for some personality types, productive bursts can be helpful

Questions & Comments

  • deep work: Maybe a myth?
    • You might not be as deeply focused as you think in order to get things done (e.g. you don’t always need 4 hours of free time to get work done).
    • Start by diagraming what needs to be done. It just takes a few minutes and breaks up the work. You can take a break and continue without much issue.

Presenter notes

Productivity anonymous